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"We Shall Not Cease From Exploration,

...and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." T.S. Elliot/ Grace Galloway, two of the best writers of our time.

Tonight is the last night I'll be writing from my my little Jungwon dorm as we will be picked up by our school principals tomorrow and driven to our placement cities and new home-stay apartments. Jungwon has given me a lot- daily ice cream and mysterious rashes, for example. It is with mixed emotions that I prepare to leave.

Orientation has not been easy, but I have been so taken care of by Fulbright and my Korean teachers and so many of my kind and generous peers. I've had the privilege of speaking English (except for repeating "I am an American-person" in Korean class), being driven to temples and bused to Seoul, and had the support of beautiful friends here when I needed it. Tomorrow, a new stage of exploration will begin as I set out into Korea on my own. Well, really, I'll be driven by my school principal to meet my host family. It's unclear whether we'll be able to say anything more than hello to eachother, in English or Korean.

I set out on this trip with an open-ended question. While Orientation has been an exciting and comfortable transition into a new country, I feel ready to truly own my adventure in this next stage of the journey. Throughout this grant year, I hope to learn how to face new challenges like this one gracefully, independently, and with a sense of humor.

Other goals for the year:

1. Connect with my spirituality

2. Lead something

3. Start something

4. Run a marathon

5. Live in the moment

So, as I say farewell, or the Korean equivalent, to this 6-week transition, it is with mostly excited fear that I say Anneyeong to the journey ahead. I cannot wait to see my city, meet my host family, (especially the kids- my first younger sibilings!!!), and then get to work on MONDAY to start my school year.

Thank you to everyone who supported me so far- it's only because of you that I've been able to stay true to me <3

I'll let you know how it goes/ the answer to the only question I can confidently ask in Korean "How much is it?"


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